Frosch Kermit sprint aus Laub

ONLINE: All that glisters is not green: Is the sustainable banking industry worthy of trust?

A glance into the world of sustainable finance and socially responsible banking: How a new framework could help the banking industry transforming itself into a force for good.

The conference aims to provide an overview of the international framework on sustainable finance. And it will address some main questions about a topic that is becoming always more tendentious:

  • Why can sustainable finance nowadays be part of the solution but also part of the problem?
  • How did greenwashing grow into a new form of financial investors’ misselling?
  • What does it mean for a bank to act in a socially responsible manner?

In this online conference, Clara Barbiani, legal innovator and expert in international financial law and regulation, will provide her perspective on the topic and introduce her groundbreaking vision, explaining how the banking sector should concretely change its practices in order to turn itself into a force for good by embracing “Banking Social Responsibility”, a framework theorized by Clara Barbiani and introduced for the first time within her just released book: "The Right to Bank". The conference will include some interactive parts through pool voting and case-solving exercises.

The event will be held in English. Participation is free of charge.

Here is the link to join the conference:

Meeting-ID: 871 3799 1891
Kenncode: 261961


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